Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Thirty years, and a thought on swearing.

First, it's my parents' 30-year wedding anniversary today. I'm reliably informed that that is the Pearl anniversary.

And second, a completely random thought that occurred to me whilst watching Loose Women earlier... why do people get so upset about swearing? Why are some words worse than others?

Think about it. All obscenities are slang terms for body parts or biological functions, or wishes for someone to suffer. Why is saying 'cunt' or 'twat' worse than saying 'vagina' when they mean exactly the same thing? Why is 'faeces' acceptable and 'shit' not? 'Fuck' is just another word for 'sex'.

I'm not necessarily condoning swearing. I do swear, but I don't generally say anything worse than damn or shit. It just occurred to me to wonder who decided that some words were worse than their synonyms. And why is there a scale? A 15-rating allows shit, damn, possibly some others, but it usually has to be an 18 to get away with fuck or cunt. Why are those worse?

And then there's the religious swearing. If you say 'damn' to someone you are in effect wishing that their soul will be damned. So? If wishing made it so then Hell would be overflowing. Saying the Lord's name in vain puzzles me too. I didn't think that was possible. Either you're doing it as a force of habit, in which case it's harmless and meaningless, or you actually believe - in which case, you're acknowledging God's existence. Why is this a bad thing?

Someone enlighten me, please? I'm curious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, first off, when it comes to using God's name in vain, the Bible specifically says in the Ten Commandments, that you shouldn't. I'm a Christian, so I go by the Bible. That's my reason for it :)

As for swearing, my religion plays a role in why I, personally, don't swear. I agree, I also don't understand why certain words have just been dubbed as bad. For me, that's the thing. According to the world, swear words are bad. If I swear, then what am I showing people. I showing them that I am just like everyone else, well, I'm not, I'm a Christian and I should present myself as one. Plus, swear words can be very hurtful to people. Like saying "d you!", That's not very nice, now is it? Lol.

Those are the reasons for myself, personally, so I'm not sure about other people too much :P

6:16 PM  

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