Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mood: Cynical and pissed.

"When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor."

No idea who said that. It's almost 11am and all I've had today was some assorted vitamin supplements and an antacid table. I've spent the last two hours desperately trying to access some sort of research paper online for this stupid lecture that I have to leave for in an hour and a half. I've been using the university's online journal thingy and all it does is link me to sites that tell me, "An online subscription or single article purchase is required to access this article."

So, now I want to stab someone.

EDIT: Managed to make the site understand that the university has an online subscription. Found a paper. Still want to stab someone.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Silly, silly Cadbury's. They're already struggling after the fiasco earlier this year - Mum's one of a lot of people who are boycotting them now - so you'd think this Easter they'd be desperate to get every sugar-starved motherlover to buy Creme Eggs and Mini Eggs by the bucketload. But look at this.

Yes. The Creme Egg is now 15% smaller in America than elsewhere. This following Cadbury's hilarious advertising campaign - "They're not getting smaller, you're just getting larger!" Some guy who for some reason had one of last year's Creme Eggs available noticed and raised an outcry. I happen to find this hilarious, because I'm an evil bitch, but I do feel sorry for the aweosme American people I know - my roleplay buddies and various webcomic artists, mainly. You're being cheated of your natural sugar doses, my friends - declare war immediately.

Incidentally, check out for awesomely pimped chocolate.

Hope you all had a fabulous Free Chocolate Day - screw religion, chocolate is where it's at. Just waiting for some sort of Energy Drink Day now - maybe I should start one.